A miscellaneous compilation of articles and off-the-cuff ideas, mostly relating to the English Language and its words, and how well they are used on some occasions, and how badly on others. But other topics and whimsies are likely to keep cropping up too. This blog is closely related to the website mentioned below.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Veracity and Denominators

I have just spotted on the internet a contribution to an online discussion about Europe's financial troubles (or 'issues', as the current jargon might run) which states: "In Greece earlier this week and in Germany now, you would not believe how similar their view are about having a single super state. Both are not prepared to hand over sovereignty over to what they see as an unelected bureaucracy. In fact the Germans are even more veracious about the matter as they see themselves being taken to the lowest denominator rather than raising the rest to their level."

Never mind the smaller technical weaknesses of this text; but the meaning of the final sentence is obscured by the phrase 'even more veracious'. The word veracious means 'true' or 'tending to tell the truth'. The words 'even more' require some lesser degree of veracity somewhere, to enable a comparison. Is it the Greeks whom the writer thinks are being slightly less veracious ?

And 'being taken to the lowest denominator' seems to be a misuse of a metaphorical mathematical term, which the writer wants to contrast with 'raising the rest to their level'.

The reader may be willing to assume that the writer has thought his/her arguments through, and that they could be valid; this may be so, but the thoughts are too clumsily expressed to be very helpful.

If one wants to convince, then it is important to expresss one's thoughts with care and clarity.

Veracity and Denominators

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