A miscellaneous compilation of articles and off-the-cuff ideas, mostly relating to the English Language and its words, and how well they are used on some occasions, and how badly on others. But other topics and whimsies are likely to keep cropping up too. This blog is closely related to the website mentioned below.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Back with the Blog - an Apology

It seems unlikely that anyone will even have noticed that this blog has lain as if dead since October last. The explanation is the unexpected arrival into the life of the blogger of other (musical, as it happens) priorities . My apologies if there is someone out there who has been disappointed at the apparent end to this blog's investigative forays into the world of words.

But the blog has just been dormant. Now it re-awakes. We are back again. Read on above.

Back with the Blog - An Apology

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